05 March 2006

My Blog homework is late... what else is new?

Archived MySpace blog
Category: Blogging

Tag...YOU'RE it!!

So..the rules are, once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with "Six Weird Things/Habits" about yourself. In the end, you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "You Are Tagged!" in their comments...and tell them to read yours.

Don't just leave a comment here... start a whole new blog on your page! :)

1. I'm utterly obsessed with my Canadian citizenship. It's disturbing, actually. I've gotten to the point that I can only eat Canadian peanut butter, and I prefer all these odd things simply because they're Canadian or from Canada. Yet... I was born and raised in Milford, Connecticut.

2. I don't eat eggs. No real reason. I just don't. I find them disgusting and they make me sick. I eat plenty of things made with eggs, though. No issues there. But if I even smell and egg cooking... scrambled, fried, poached, omelet, quiche... I'll gag.

3. I spell things... or at least some things... the British English way. Neighbour, colour, tyre, etc. I went to school in the U.S. Even had a fight with a teacher over a spelling test because of it. I guess... see also No. 1.

4. I can't listen to music I like with out tapping out the drum part or pluckin' the bass-line. I've tried. Unless I'm actually dancing, I can't sit still through music. Hell, even when I'm dancing I have to really try not to tap out the rhythm section.

5. I'm mental about my hair. Everybody knows it. Strangers can tell just by looking at me. I obsess over it. If its not perfect, I wear a hat. Don't take my hat off if I'm wearing one... the hair underneath is less than perfect. And don't touch it. Seriously. Don't touch my hair. Unless I'm in for the night... no one can mess it up.

6. When I get in the mode, I will eat the same Tuna on a grinder with American cheese, salt & pepper 5 days a week for lunch. Sometimes for dinner, too. Just American cheese, salt & pepper. No change. No variance. 5 days straight. For weeks. Sometimes just Tuna with salt & pepper right out of the bowl I mix it in. I can never get tired of it. And I feel really good when I eat it. Protein and Omega-3 Fatty Acids I guess. Mmmm... maybe I'll go have tuna right now.

Okay...now I'm tagging:







Yeah... I tagged an extra. Sue me.

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