07 June 2005

The Summer blahs?

Everybody's heard of the Winter blahs. Heck, the retard powers that be have even created a diagnosis (read: label) of SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder. But what about the summer blahs. OK, so we don't have Vitamin D to blame for this one. But they seem to be here. I don't think I'm the only one.

The dynamic of things has just been odd. Maybe its just me. This should be the end of the Winter -- being trapped inside. This should be the end of my stress. Things are just better. My niece has been home from the hospital, doing well. Other things have changed in my life. My job isn't as bad as its been. All the really stressful things are past.

So what? The letdown. Is it possible to be so used to stress, so accustomed to the issues, that when you're not running ragged you don't know what to do with yourself? I know I'm the kind of guy who thrives off chaos -- I've always thought I should work for FEMA or something -- but do I need it? Maybe I do. I've noticed that I'm doing things that maybe create more stress than I need to. Maybe subconsciously I need the added stress.

I hope not. Creating extra stress in my life doesn't make much sense. So why am I feeling off? And is it just me, or is off the order of the day these days? Maybe its time for a change. Maybe change is in the breeze and I just need to reach out with my kite and catch it and go for a ride to where it takes me.

Perhaps its time to dig out my kite.

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