05 October 2005

Its the only thing I can do

Archived MySpace blog
Current mood: bored

Well, Tom is "doing maintenance" on my page again. Can't access home or mail. Effectively I've been reduced to blog status only. That's OK I guess. When it comes down to it, blogging is why I signed up for MySpace in the first place.

So, what to blog about...

I'm hot and sweaty. You needed to know that, right? Yeah, but I am. This is a desk job... I thought. But today the shredding drew came to collect boxes (and boxes -- 200+ to be precise) of disposed files. With no warning, we had no way to separate out which ones stay and which go -- then again, there's no room in the vault for all the boxes, let alone a way to make organized piles. So anyway...

Running around in "The Vault", an unventilated 25'x25' room, full to the ceiling with stacks of bankers boxes -- 11"x14" cardboard boxes with lids that don't fit right -- with a red Sharpie, putting giant red X's on all the boxes that must go -- all 200 of them.

So yeah, and did I mention that I decided to dress nicely today? No khakis and a polo -- as you all know as my generic work uniform -- today. No, I decided to dress. Black pleated pants, nice microfiber tan shirt, elegant sweat-stains on the armpits. What the fuck!?!

So that's my deal at the moment. Hot, sweaty, disgusting, aggravated with the timing of the Universe, aggravated with MySpace Tom, blogging. And my coffee's cold; 1 hour and 10 minutes to lunch.

But I'm not working tomorrow. That makes today bearable. Anticipation cancels out aggravation? Maybe so. No, nothing can be terribly bad, for tomorrow, I will be in Manhattan, at Madison Square Garden, for the New York Rangers home opener.

No, you are correct, I am not a Rangers fan. Never have been, never will be. But their opponent just so happens to be... the Greatest Team in the History of Professional Sport*... Le Club de Hockey Canadien de Montréal... affectionately known as the Habs... the Montreal Canadiens. And trying to get tickets to their home opener, and get to Montreal for it, not so much happening.

So, sore throat, sweaty pits, stupid guys from the shredding company, non-functional MySpace, I shall endure. For tomorrow, I shall rejoice in the splendor that is the return of professional hockey.

* claim to the title of "Greatest Team in the History of Professional Sport" based on number of Professional Championships won: Montreal Canadiens (NHL), 27 Stanley Cups; New York Yankees (MLB), 26 World Series Titles; Boston Celtics (NBA), 16 World Championships.

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