13 August 2006

Seeing Eye Molly

Archived MySpace Blog
Category: Life

Everyone should have one.

OK, everyone with a visual impairment. Dogs are OK, but... well, they're dogs. The Seeing Eye Molly is the way of the future.

My personal visual impairment is temporary. I have an ulcerated cornea. Bacteria trapped under my contact lens caused injury to my right eye during the odd occurrence that I fell asleep in my contacts Wednesday night. Thursday I woke up in quite a bit of pain, and that morning I made an emergency appointment with my eye doctor to receive the above diagnosis.

So, for the past 4 days, I have had limited vision in my right eye, and intense photosensitivity. I utilize 2 prescription eye drops, which as I put it to my roommate, "one that stings and one that burns". So, I have about 50 percent vision in my right eye, and light causes me intense pain... beyond the regular pain I'm already in, as well as the pain caused by the drops. Basically put, I'm in pain. So, driving has not really been in my daily routine. People have been nice enough to bring me home from work, ad Molly has be bringing me in... and otherwise driving me around.

So, here I've been, right eye afoul, occasionally watching movies with the aid of a Pirate type eye-patch, and otherwise leading a limited life. (I've gotten more laundry done this weekend the I've ever done before.)

But I have ventured outside these four walls... I've had to. For any of you who know me, stir crazy sets in quickly and hard. So, out into town we've rolled, blind, half-blind, glasses, sunglasses, eye patch, baseball cap, eyes simply closed by the sun. Even now I'm typing with one eye closed... depth perception not so important in blogs.

It's been quite a trip... follow-up eye appointment, hair-cut for Molly, Lackluster Video, CVS, even Wal*Mart (I'm blind, and she wouldn't tell me where we were going)... just the blind, trusting passenger, walking to stores, one hand on the back of the belt...

of my Seeing Eye Molly.

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