09 August 2006

Til Death Do Us Part

Archived MySpace Blog
Category: Life

This is about something that's been weighing on my mind... probably more than I wanted to admit.

Maybe it doesn't matter to anyone else. Maybe no one else cares. To some, it's just not their business. To some, maybe they don't put as much stake in those words as others. It seems everyone has their own reason not to care.

But I still care. I spoke those words, and it bothers me.

But yesterday, I was thinking about it, thinking about those words I spoke, and the pledge I made, and I came to a realization.

I realized that those words don't have to be untrue.

You are still in my life. You always will be. If you ever need me, I'll be there. If I ever need you, I know I have you to turn to. Nothing can change the fact that you'll always be one of my most precious friends, and nothing will. No matter what, through thick and thin... in marriage or without...

Till Death Do Us Part.