22 January 2005

Snowed in

Archived MySpace blog
Current mood: cold

... well not really. I do have a decent SUV, and could get out if I need to. But nonetheless, I hate the feeling. I would say I need or want to be anywhere today, but knowing that I probably couldn't or shouldn't go out bothers me anyway.

Its very cold. The gas company left about an hour ago after fixing my furnace. We called them at 3:00 am. Great service in 12 hours. But anyway, we have heat again. Its just taking a while for the house to warm up.

So, I feel cold and trapped. but I guess my day is better than it began. I'll get over it. There's gotta be something fun to do today. Maybe a good movie. I have 200 channel digital cable that I really never use; time to see what's on.

Currently listening :
Countdown to Extinction
By Megadeth
Release date: 14 July, 1992

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