03 January 2005

On the New Year

Archived MySpace blog
Current mood: hopeful

Well, its that time of year again, when we all make promises to ourself that we have no hope of keeping. So I'm saving myself the guilt this year. I don't resolve to quit anything, start doing anything, or try harder at anything. My only resolution is to do my best have a good year.

I know I don't have the final authority on that one; fate has its way of intervening on such things. But, I will do everything in my power toward such ends. I'm resolved to have a good time whenever possible, and not to put up with as much negative attitude. If as Firecracker said, 2004 was the Year of the Douchebag, 2005 will be the year of telling the douchebags to go to hell.

I've spoken to a lot of people about their thoughts on the New Year, and most have the same feelings: "This year I'm going to be a bit more selfish. No one else is looking out for me but me." I know I have to agree with that, I lost a lot of 2004 looking after and looking out for other people. Not that I'm going to stop caring for and about my loved ones, but many of us went a bit too far last year, and this year we need to put ourselves first.

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