18 January 2005

As time flies by

Archived MySpace blog
Current mood: hungry

Wow, its January 18th... already. Only 18 days into the new year, but it feels like yesterday I was shoulder-blocking mall patrons trying to finish up the last of my Christmas shopping.

The good news is, having made no real resolutions, I have gone back on none of them. As for my change of attitude, I think I've been doing a decent job of making this year about me. Not selfish or self absorbed; I think I'll call my new attitude "self-interested".

Its very cold today. For the first time in a long time even I'm complaining its cold. Usually its 30 degrees, I'm in shorts, and bitching about the heat being up too much. Its supposed to get colder as the week goes on. So now my challenge is to find a way to keep my ears warm without screwing up my fabulous hair. Either that or contemplate the ear-less look as I lose them to frostbite.

It has the feelings of becoming a long week. Luckily we had yesterday off, and its already Tuesday. A long 4-day week is still better than a short 5-day week.

So, I'll hold to that thought for now.

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